Speech recognitino (Alexa)



TODO (copy from google drive)


Hardware Requirements

  • Item 1
  • Item 2

Software Requirements

  • Pre-installed package 1
  • Pre-installed package 2


  1. pip install ...
  2. sudo apt-get ...

Setup Tests

Sequence of tests that can be executed to ensure the hardware is properly connected.

  • Test step 1
  • Test step 2


  • The MAIN section. Explain the working version of your software.
  • Use directives (attention, note, caution, tip , important, warning, hint, error, and danger) to highlight points appropriately.
  • Screenshots of the working version of your feature tend to be particularly useful


An attention, example


What we did not achieve and how people in future projects could improve

What Didn’t Work

List all things that you have tried, but that did not work in the end. In particular, explain why, and give any details (e.g. links, screenshots) required to reproduce your failure. Signposting failures is as important as trumpeting successes, so do err on the side of more detail in your explanations here!

  • Software that didn’t work 1 and explanation, links, …